Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Valley of Vision-

(excerpted from a Puritan prayer)

Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision,

Where I live in the depths but see thee in the heights.

Let me learn that the valley is the place of vision.

Lord, in the daytime stars can be seen from the deepest wells,

And the deeper the wells the brighter thy stars shine;

Let me find thy light in my darkness,

Thy life in my death,

Thy joy in my sorrow,

Thy grace in my sin,

Thy riches in my poverty

Thy glory in my valley.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Life Passed On-

I held a deceased baby today. I guess it was bound to happen. I've been attending births now for almost 7 years, almost completely avoiding tragedy of any kind, really. But like Margaret says, "Birth is as safe as life gets." And today was my day to see and hold a baby whose soul had passed on. Blond, fuzzy hair, red lips, long feet, absolutely gorgeous, perfectly formed full term baby girl. When she was being examined I could have sworn she was going to open her eyes, turn her head or raise her arms. It was shocking to me how UN-shocking she was in reality. Wrapped in a blanket, I found myself rocking and bouncing her as I always do when holding a newborn. Stillbirth is an appropriate medical term, I think. Because that is how she looked and felt- like any other newborn- just still. So still.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Look What I Found-

Looking through sent emails today, I came across these pictures sent to Kent's dad, AKA Grandpa. So- this is what the boys do after school. Hmmm....

Summer Fun-

Here are some pictures from Silverwood on Monday. The kids and I went with Jill, Ella, Renae and Sarah. Corbin was on stage with "Mad Mike"- who pulled a rope through Corbin's guts (He felt it!), and Lindy and Ella rode several kiddie rides together. Big fun! We're so glad that summer is finally here!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Privelege

It is a privilege and an honor to be an attendant at births. At such an intimate time (hours, days), I am enveloped into a family and their version of "normal". It is incredible to be invited and present during these miraculous, yet completely earthy, moments. As an example of how different families can be, here are two of my three last births:
#1- A doula client: their house- a top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art model home in a very upscale golf course neighborhood, where the son and husband were always playing Wii or watching movies at our prenatals. She was tan, perky, always made-up and gorgeous. Throughout the birth there were jokes with the staff and current movies being quoted. He got takeout from Chili's for himself and me for supper. Her 14-year-old niece stayed the night at the hospital and watched the birth. They were so happy.
#2- A midwive's assistant birth: A very devoutly religious family with 7 kids who lived in a very modest-sized house on a good-size chunk of land. The 4-year-old girl held my hand and showed me the chickens, pigs, garden, new milking machine, and red ant nest. The girls in their long skirts and dresses, the boys in their button-up shirts were barefoot all day long, climbing trees and chasing chicks and kittens. They said their prayers before meals and did their chores. I held the little boys when they hurt themselves and cried. I played piano for them and the girls asked me about my hair style. They made their own PB&Js for lunch, and the popsicles I brought were a rare treat.
I believe that I am starting to fully appreciate what a wondrous thing it is that I get to be in these families lives, so intimately, though temporarily. I love that I get to see so many different variations of "normal" family. I get to see what each family values, and elevates to primary importance, during each birth I attend. It is incredible to see how people relate and show love and consideration for one another. Occasionally I encounter some ugly situations, but usually I see positive interactions. I can then incorporate these things into my own life and family. I learn and grow through each baby being born. What a miracle. What an honor.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Legs. . .

Check this out- their torsos appear to be the same basic size. But the legs. . .
So weird! 4 and a half years apart- the legs make the difference in height?!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Handsome Pic of Corbin-

About a month ago with a scrape on his eye from a vicious apple tree. I think he looks SO much like Kent's side of the family- particularly Grandma Linda (it's the chin!)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Fathers Day 2008

We had a lovely day today, enjoying the long awaited sunshine! After church and our Father's Day afternoon nap we went to Spokane's historic and beautiful Manito Park. We had a fabulous time pic-nicking and wandering around. We saw duck families, turtles, seagulls and lots of gardens. It was so nice to be relaxed and hike around together as a family.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies. . .

Well, my war waging on Mt. Washmore is going more slowly than I planned, but I am persisting steadily on that battlefront. For those of you who don't know I am a doula and midwive's assistant. I did clean-up duty for two births with two separate midwives last Friday- missed both of the births by less than five minutes- the first one: 6th baby, she always goes fast, the second one: the midwife called me late and then my car wouldn't start (don't worry, it's fine now). Sunday morning: a doula client goes into labor- llllllloooooonnnngggg story- baby born 4:30am Monday morning. I have two other doula clients due June 20th and 22nd and four other births with a midwife due between June 15th and July 7th. And my mom's out of town helping my sister move. Corbin's last day as a first-grader was today. I'm organizing playgroup and ladies' craft nights at church for the summer. Oh- and Margaret the Midwife and I are going to be giving a class this summer to certify new midwive's assistants. SO- there's life for Terri in a nut shell. Whew! Yikes!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Three 3-year-old Girls-

I had a lovely morning today with my dear cousins and their daughters. We had a "playdate" at the mall and lunch at my house. I feel so grateful to be close to Jill and Christa (my cousins), and while they don't replace my actual sisters, I'm so blessed to have two pseudo-sisters close by! The girls (Gracie, Ella and Lindy) are within eight months of each other. Lindy is the baby, but she's always been a big girl, so they've always all three been the same size. Christa today mentioned how when they were babies we talked about how cute they would be playing together in a few years, and now look. . . We were so right!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Check this out-

I stumbled across this website purely by accident and I love it! If I had an unlimited budget of money and time, these are the kind of things I would love to buy, decorate with, wear and create myself. So refreshing, unique and lovely!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Toppling Mount Washmore-

Mark my words- Mt. Washmore will be obliterated this week. Bags and boxes of hardly worn and too-small-for-the-kids clothes will LEAVE THE HOUSE for good. I am down to the winter clothes that were neglected when the summer clothes came out of hiding. Thus, the mountain base was formed. I have realized that this happens every spring and fall, just when the family laundry is under control, the season changes! Pray for me, that I may stay persistent in tackling this monumental, yet trivial and mundane task. On second thought, I'm sure that you have much more important things to pray for, so just encourage me and ask me how high Mt. Washmore is when you see me next. Thanks!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Kent's View of Me These Days-

Blue light of the computer on my face while blogging or looking up recipes or FaceBooking or emailing or being motivated by Flylady or reading friends blogs or working on the budget or . . .
Actually, I was working on his very own new blog when he took that particular photo. For some of you, this blog may be too girly and familial. For more intellectual thoughts than a Kenny Loggins concert review, check out Kentological.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Please Comment on my Posts!

Please? So that I know someone's out there reading this and it's not just going in to cyberspace thin air and I can quit checking every two hours for no reason. (Insert sheepish grin.)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Confession Time

We went to a Kenny Loggins concert a few weeks ago. A friend had tickets and we had babysitting for a date night all lined up. The concert was at a casino and I made Kent go with me. It was awesome!! I am such a dork- I knew every single song. And the funniest part? We were the youngest people there, at 30! All of these women my mom's age, and one really obsessed man, were screaming like google-eyed teenagers. Anyone seen the movie "Music and Lyrics"? It was totally like that Knott's Berry Farm concert. I asked Kent- "What is wrong with me that I know all these songs, and nobody our age is here?" And my wise husband reminded me- "Terri, that's how you bonded with your dad." Right. So true. Anyways, the concert ROCKED. I think Kenny Loggins is very talented. Ya know this guy made a career out of movie soundtracks. Even if you think you don't know his music, you really do. Top Gun, Caddyshack, Leap of Faith, Pooh Bear, oh yes and Footloose. Even my music-snob husband agreed that the show was very good and his band-members were great. So, if ya ever get a chance, check out Kenny- just be prepared for the fake-baked, bleach-blond, cigarette-voice, divorcees, late-40s and up crowd of women (plus the one devoted guy-fan). I'm sure that this crowd follows him around the country!