Saturday, January 31, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

Corbin's class read Little House in the Big woods in November-December. And, traditionally, the 2nd grade class at the Oaks has a "Little House on the Prairie"-style Christmas party the last day of school before break. Well, we got a lot of snow and with that, 2 extra snow days before break- so, no Christmas party. Well, the party was re-scheduled and here is the evidence. They ate johnnycakes like Pa used to make, danced to fiddle music, and got to milk a goat. Corbin was a natural at that! It was very fun!

Silver Mountain Indoor Water Park

We had SO much fun! Thanks Aunt Renae!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Barker Road Bridge Project-

This (click here) is going on right next to our house. Quite interesting, really. And I think we're finally used to the amount of time and miles that the detour adds to our drive.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Mall Rats

Check out Lindy's $.99 new pink hat from Gymboree. So cute!
Corbin is wearing an Incredible Hulk sweatshirt.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Christmas Break, plus 3 snow days!!

We had so much fun and truly enjoyed our school break, just the four of us in the one car with the studded tires. I was not on call for any births, which also created a more relaxed mood. Here are some pics of the boys at home on break, after we got our new camera. (Thanks sisters!!)

Christmas 2008-

So, I'm running late. As usual.
We were at the lake house, my parents were in Arizona. The snow was beautiful, even magical at Christmastime this year. As you can see, the lake was gorgeous. And, we made it out there, with all our food, gifts and clothes on Christmas Eve, shortly after midnight. Some brave friends from church joined us for feasting and sledding on Christmas Day.
Note that Lindy is holding the Care Bear that Corbin sewed for her! (Thanks Nana!)