Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yea summer!

We had an absolutely gorgeous weekend- upper 70s, low 80s, sunny and beautiful. Here's a couple of pics. You know you want to visit!

Monday, May 11, 2009

YOU would love this book...

And I mean you.
Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick (Click here)
The ladies at our church just went through this book the past couple of months. It has been life-changing for me. And I particularly recommend it to those of you who grew up in a Christian home: even if the hypocrisy ran rampant and you are justifiably jaded now, or if your home was all about tradition and legalism: this book takes what you know (head knowledge, intellectual assent: the gospel), and shows us how to inform our hearts (apply the gospel). So, there's my commercial. Let me know if you read it and what you think!!

The pendulum swings back...

So...I am thinking about midwifery school again. Seriously thinking about it. Kent always supports me and thinks it is a great idea. He loves to see me all passionate and energized like I get about birth. I am looking at the distance program for the Midwives College of Utah. Here is a link to their philosophy. I like it. I really should start on some of my requirements here at the community college, at least.
A large reason I have hesitated about school in the past, is because I tell myself that I still don't have my household under control, and I shouldn't devote myself to outside things when the house is in shambles. BUT, I do think that I often do better with more time restrictions and structure. Kinda crazy, but sometimes I do a better job at home when I'm crazy busy running around, and know that I only have two hours to do a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen, rather than all day.
Do I sound like I'm justifying?

An apology post....

I have been sorely negligent to my little blog here, and I apologize. I have lovely pictures of Easter and Lindy's 4th birthday to post, and they will be coming soon. I promise. (I have this little issue with my laptop, and have to use Kent's to download pics...)
But, please enjoy this picture on the day after Mother's Day. This scene resembles Lin and I today, as she is sick with a fever, but I am so enjoying being home with her to cuddle and soothe her.