So...I am thinking about midwifery school again. Seriously thinking about it. Kent always supports me and thinks it is a great idea. He loves to see me all passionate and energized like I get about birth. I am looking at the distance program for the Midwives College of Utah.
Here is a link to their philosophy. I like it. I really should start on some of my requirements here at the community college, at least.
A large reason I have hesitated about school in the past, is because I tell myself that I still don't have my household under control, and I shouldn't devote myself to outside things when the house is in shambles. BUT, I do think that I often do better with more time restrictions and structure. Kinda crazy, but sometimes I do a better job at home when I'm crazy busy running around, and know that I only have two hours to do a load of laundry and clean up the kitchen, rather than all day.
Do I sound like I'm justifying?