Anyone who knows me knows that I have had a passion for all things birth and baby related for several years. My journey has led me from being a certified doula assisting families in hospitals, to assisting some lovely midwives in various out-of-hospital settings. My son's birth was a typical hospital birth with my OBGYN. Four and a half years later my daughter's was a birth in my home with a midwife in attendance. It was life-changing, and there was no going back for me. Homebirths and the midwifery model of care became my goal and dream.
I finally have a realistic plan and goal for my midwifery education. In the coming year, I will be working towards my Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) status from the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM) and state midwifery license in Idaho. I will be completing my Portfolio Evaluation Process (PEP) and studying as an apprentice under at least two amazing midwives. I should be able to complete my requirements within a year, due to the experience that I already have under my belt assisting midwives for the past four years.
I had been considering midwifery schools, and even nursing school. I know that a few weeks ago I posted on here about the Midwifery College of Utah, but it is still $200 per credit, and that kind of money is just not around right now for us. Kent and I are not willing to go into debt again. We have not used credit cards or taken out loans at all for the past three years. We will pay as we go when Kent gets his doctorate, so we are not about to enter into huge debt for midwifery school for me. The state of Washington basically requires midwifery school for licensure, this is why I am choosing to license in the state of Idaho for now. (I live only 5 miles from the state line and all of my family is in Idaho.) I also strongly believe in apprenticeship-model education. Maybe we can afford more schooling for me in the future.
SO- here is the list of primary textbooks that I will need. And I am putting this out there at the suggestion of one of my mentors, and soon, preceptor. She recommended that I put this book list out so that anyone who wants to donate to my midwifery education may do so buy purchasing a book or Amazon certificate for me. Here is the list-
Davis, Elizabeth, Heart and Hands: A Midwife’s Guide to Pregnancy and Birth, 4th edition, Celestial Arts, 2004.-
Frye, Anne, Holistic Midwifery: A Comprehensive Textbook for Midwives and Home Birth Practice, Vol. I,-Care During Pregnancy, Labrys Press, revised 1995.
Frye, Anne. Holistic Midwifery: A Comprehensive Textbook for Midwives and Home Birth Practice, Vol. II,-Care During Labor and Birth, Labrys Press, 2004.
-Frye, Anne, Understanding Diagnostic Tests in the Childbearing Year, 6th edition, Labrys Press, 1997.
Gaskin, Ina May, Spiritual Midwifery, 4th edition, The Book Publishing Company, 2002.-Myles, Margaret, Textbook for Midwives, 14th edition, Elsevier, 2003
-Page, Lesley Ann, The New Midwifery, Churchill Livingstone, 2000
-Simpkin & Ancheta, Labor Progress Handbook, Blackwell, 2000
-Sinclair, Constance, A Midwife’s Handbook, Saunders, 2004
-Thureen, Assessment & Care of the Well Newborn, Saunders, 1998
-Varney, Helen, Midwifery, 4th edition, Jones and Bartlett, 2003
-Walsh, Linda, Midwifery: Community Based Childbirth, Saunders, 2001