Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The other thing I've been working on...

Christ Centered Birthing

Sorely Neglected-

Sorry poor blog, for you have been sorely neglected. And I don't have any particular reason, well, not any ONE particular reason. This summer was terrific! We had a great time. It was a blessing in disguise that Kent was unable to find summer work- he and kids and dog had many lovely days and nights together, while I was at births. They discovered new places to hike and read stories and watched movies. Ah, the lazy days of summer... And we seem to have indian summers up here- the weather usually stays really nice and mild through September. Kent and Corbin just started school on September 21st.
About three weeks before school started, Nana and Papa surprised us by announcing that they want to take each of their grandchildren on an individual trip when that child is around 9-years-old. And, that they want to take Corbin to Disneyland before school starts! So, Corbin, Nana, and Papa road tripped over to Fresno to visit the Hakkarinens for a couple of days, and then drove on down to Disneyland for three days, and then Legoland before driving all the way home (staying at hotels with swimming pools all along the way, of course!). They had a great time- and I will post pics very soon!