Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Trip Recap

Midwifery Internship-
Mercy Maternity Center, Davao City, Philippines-
Summer 2010
I spent the first few days being oriented to the birth clinic and the dormitory. I found that the supervising midwives (mostly Filipino, some American missionaries) were all very kind and of course, extremely knowledgeable. In fact, one supervisor even has a brother that attends NSA in Moscow- small world, eh! It was really incredible to see how Newlife International School of Midwifery is meshed with Mercy Maternity Center- a charity lying-in clinic. The students’ tuition money goes directly to running the clinic and providing quality services to these poverty stricken people in Davao. (And it IS quality care, believe me! I saw the hospital that they would have to otherwise deliver at: overcrowded, dirty, disgusting, NO privacy: picture a gymnasium filled with hundreds of beds, family members holding IV bags, mothers nursing babies, laboring women, family members, body fluids, 90+ degrees and 90% humidity, no curtains, occasional rodents/bugs, etc.) So the students are being financially supported by their home churches and communities as missionaries. It is a fantastic system! Kent and I hope to learn more about how they operate the clinic and midwifery school. Perhaps we will be able to make a short term missionary trip back to Davao in a few years over the summer.
I received excellent education during my time in the Philippines. I watched expert midwives (who have attended literally thousands of births- Mercy does 150+ births per month!) suture and got to practice myself. I also got to practice placing IVs. These two skills are what my preceptors at Spokane Midwives asked me to work on specifically! I also organized a pelvimetry class. After observing and assisting at several births the first week or so, I then got the privilege of actually catching babies and managing births. I delivered 11 babies which count as “Primary Under Supervision” births according to NARM. This puts me well on my way towards my goals of being certified by Sep. 30, 2011 and licensed in WA state a few months later!
My time in Davao City was very meaningful to me spiritually. I knew that I would have clarity and focus for these four weeks to hone in on God’s word and spend time in prayer, without the normal household responsibilities and busy life distractions that I usually have at home. I went on this trip seeking answer to specific prayers- and God answered those prayers! I came back to my life here in the Spokane Valley renewed, refreshed, invigorated and inspired. Also, having never been to a third world country before, I was really impacted by the poverty I saw in Davao City. It has done wonders for my contentment. I am so thankful to God for the material blessings I have in my life and in this country. And despite many complaints we all have with our broken health care system, after seeing what I saw there, I can not complain. We are truly spoiled Americans.
Thank you all for your support of my trip to the Philippines. I could not have done it without your financial support, your prayers, and your encouragement. Kent and I are truly blessed to have such a loving community around us. We love you!

Terri and Kent Young

For pictures see my Facebook albums:

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